John DeFaro

MY O MY sticker project

The Southern Cracker loves his highwayman painting and outer limits vibe. The Cuban grandmother loves her landscape painting depicting Royal Poinciana trees (national tree of Puerto Rico and native to Madagascar). The rural auto body mechanic loves his nuts and bolts sculpture of a figure. The outsider artist loves his church going women he turns into sluts with marker and pencil on paper. The knitter loves the afgan made at her woman's club. And the gentleman farmer loves his collection of found glass bottles whole and broken for all he can cover with. Never ending intrigue by the addictive raw.

It is 2009. Street art aka the expanded form of graffiti involving a more detailed narrative approach to imagery unfolds wildly in Miami. Newcomers first see these creations as provoking artworks.

For this project the term or catchphrase MY O MY has become 'more' modern. A font is reformatted/designed and somewhat pushing to Asian architectural glides for a new. This is 2009 as communication shrinks our globe rapidly. I imagine the young Japanese art enthusiast having spent all but a few years growing up in America whom sights fresh street art for the first time and shouting a most traditional American catch phrase. This phrase is formed of words having a new shape and design for what has become a Pop Up "MY O MY, .... look at that!"  

John DeFaro

MY, (Oh, MY) / American catchphrase to express surprise or pleasure.