The Tree Pelts 

A visual series in pencil and ink

John DeFaro

I see trees. I see trees. I see trees.  

​A story, a stretch of my imagination -

I Imagine a Native American chief envying the land and forest of another tribe's territory. Instead of a battle, 

the following happens. The tribe's best artist is asked by their chief to render on animal skin a vision of their

own forests. The drawings are exchanged or 'traded' between tribes. Envy wanes. A war has even been avoided as each holds in these drawings the vision of the other's land. Peace. 

Research on the story -

Painted tipis (also known as Tee Pees) often depicted note-worthy historical battles and often featured geometric portrayals of celestial bodies and animal designs. Sometimes tipis have been painted to depict personal experiences, such as war, hunting, a dream, or vision. When depicting visions, ceremonies, and prayers were first offered, and then the dreamer recounted his dream to the priests and wise men of the community. Those known to be skilled painters were consulted, and the new design was made to fit anonymously within the traditional framework of the tribe's painted tipis. 

I draw trees as an entry to discovery. Drawing a tree pelt is a way of owning a piece of land, a way of owning another's territory. It is also a territory created for myself and to share. Pelts can be exchanged or traded, just as I am doing with this project. 

Trees are prominent in my current work. I started gardening at age five for my mother. After school jobs were gardening jobs. Later in my life, I supported myself through gardening. I find peace and celebration of life in the out of doors. I celebrate in all that grows. The Tree Pelts reflect this personal history. Working small scale I can produce quickly, yet efficiently forms that are understood as trees or shrubs. Some even look somewhat manicured hence allowing me to celebrate my past experience as a professional gardener. Much of the overall imagery accomplished is more than organic forms produced by nature but also what organically develops into designs. A mix and match occur.